Question: What does Global Aid Direct do?
Answer: Global Aid Direct Cares for people threaten by severe hardship, poverty, diseases and those victimized by political instability and natural disasters. The organization is a non-profit, charity, relief, and community development organization dedicated to seeking the welfare of people affected by poverty. In a situation where problems become increasingly unbearable, and where the survival of human life worth living is being threatened, GLAID’s concern is initiating programs for the under-served, disadvantaged and “at-risk” populations; addressing key issues which reflect community-wide needs and show promise of effecting systemic changes and impacting quality of life that will help them achieve fuller participation as contributing members of the community. Such programs are usually design to bring new dollars and job opportunities that will promote economic self-sufficiency for the effected population; improve basic education, prevent the spread of HIV, increase access to clean water and sanitation, expand economic opportunity and protect natural resources and delivers emergency aid to survivors of war and natural disasters.
Question: Who is eligible to be a Global Aid Direct Volunteer?
Answer: Anyone who meets the following criteria before submitting a Global Aid Direct Volunteers Online Application:
- Must be at least 20 years of age
- Hold a university degree ( undergraduate, graduate, post-graduate or higher technical diploma;
- Have a minimum of one years of working experience;
- Have a Good working knowledge of English and at least one of other Global Aid Direct working languages.
- Must be able to demonstrate a strong commitment to the values and principles of Global Aid Direct;
- Must establish the ability to work in a multicultural environment;
- Must be able to demonstrate the ability to adjust to difficult living conditions;
- Must be able to show Strong interpersonal and organizational skills;
- Must be able to demonstrate prior volunteering and/or working experience in a developing country.
Question: What is the age limit for Global Aid Direct Volunteers?
Answer: The minimum age for Global Aid Direct volunteers is 20. There is no upper age limit.
Question: I am not yet 20 but I am very motivated. Can I contribute to your program?
Answer: You can explore other Global Aid Direct opportunities volunteering to raise funds for the organization in your school and/or community. Nonetheless, to be an on-site Global Aid Direct Volunteer you have to be at least 20 years of age and have at least one years of working experience. Global Aid Direct Volunteers program recruits volunteer specialists to assist its field offices/duty stations. Due to the complex nature of Global Aid Direct assignments, a solid professional record is a desire.
Question: Can I volunteer during my holidays?
Answer: Given that the vast majority of Global Aid Direct assignments are based on two to twelve month renewable contracts with the expectation that the volunteer serves a year or longer, and due to the fact that the Global Aid Direct program is demand-driven, the likelihood that a Global Aid Direct assignment matches your holiday plans is very low.
Question: Who are Global Aid Direct Volunteers?
Answer: Qualified and experienced women and men of all nationalities can apply to serve in developing countries as Global Aid Direct Volunteers. Global Aid Direct Volunteers should expect to work in countries in Europe, Africa, Asia and the Americas.
Question: What do they do?
Answer: Global Aid Direct Volunteers work in technical cooperation with field offices/duty stations, with community-based initiatives, in humanitarian relief and rehabilitation and in support of human rights, electoral and peace- building initiatives. They are professionals who work on a peer basis. They listen and discuss; teach and train; encourage and facilitate. Our Volunteers also share and exchange ideas, skills and experience.
Question: In which sectors do they work?
Answer: Global Aid Direct Volunteers program involves a wide spread of sectors: including professional categories such as Agriculture, health and education, human rights promotion, information and communication technology, community development, vocational training, industry and population. Other sectors include Social and Economic Policy, Gender Equality, Human Rights, Adolescent Development, Monitoring and Evaluation, Planning, Communication for Development, Public-sector Alliances & Resource Mobilization, Emergency Program, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, Nutrition, HIV/AIDS, Child Protection, Education, Finance and Administration, Supply/Logistics, Information Communication Technology, and Human Resources. Click here for a detail list of preferred work assignments.
Question: Where are they working?
Answer: Our Volunteers serve in the world's poorest nations and least developed countries. They work at Global Aid Direct field offices/duty stations around the word. This includes countries in Africa, Asia and the Pacific Central and Eastern Europe; the Arab States, the Caribbean, and Central and South America. Many of our Volunteers work outside capital cities, frequently in remote towns and villages. This is in response to expressed needs, and it reflects the commitment which volunteers bring. They serve at the grassroots level in Asia, the Pacific and Africa. They are practitioners with excellent track records in village-level community work; they exchange skills and knowledge among countries of those regions.
Question: How does the program operate?
Answer: It works in partnership with Global Aid Direct Field Offices/Duty Stations worldwide with technical input and supervision from the organization’s Headquarters in the United States.
Question: How is it funded?
Answer: Global Aid Direct Volunteers Program resources come from contribution from our donors in support of our work.
Question: Will I be asked to upload my resume during the application process?
Answer: No. However, if you have your electronic resume accessible, you can email it to
Question: Should I submit my online application in all the languages I am fluent in?
Answer: No. If you have the necessary language skills and would be interested in serving in different regions, we recommend that you submit your application in English.
Question: Are Global Aid Direct Volunteers staff of the organization?
Answer: No. Global Aid Direct Volunteers serve for a limited period of time on specific assignments. Their conditions of service differ from those of Global Aid Direct staff. However, Global Aid Direct Volunteers and Global Aid Direct staff share common goals such as supporting the organization’s development work.
Question: Do Global Aid Direct Volunteers receive any financial and/or other benefits?
Answer: The key benefit of being a Global Aid Direct Volunteer is the personal satisfaction the volunteer assignment brings to you as you make a positive impact on development. However, we support you during your assignment in several ways, e.g. through a monthly volunteer living allowance, annual leave, or medical insurance. Details are available at Volunteers Eligibility Requirements.
Question: How long does it take to be assigned as a Global Aid Direct Volunteer?
Answer: The time between submitting your online application and a possible volunteer opportunity varies greatly. Also, given the demand-driven nature of Global Aid Direct volunteers program, submitting an application does not imply a positive assessment of your profile nor guarantee that you will be assigned as a Global Aid Direct Volunteer.
Question: How long are Global Aid Direct assignments?
Answer: The vast majority of assignments are based on two to twelve month renewable contracts with the expectation that the Global Aid Direct Volunteer will serve a year or more.
Question: Where do I find the list of available Global Aid Direct assignments?
Answer: Global Aid Direct does not publish a list of available assignments. The majority of Global Aid Direct assignments are filled by candidates whose applications are on file. Therefore, the best way to be considered for a Global Aid Direct assignment is to apply through our web-based application portal.
Question: Can I serve together with my partner?
Answer: Global Aid Direct program accepts applications from couples wishing to volunteer together. Nonetheless, given that we are a demand-driven organization, it is very rare that couples are selected at the same time for the same duty station. In some cases, when a candidate accepts a Global Aid Direct assignment in a family duty station, his/her legally recognized partner can accompany the Global Aid Direct Volunteer as a dependent. The partner can then look for volunteer opportunities locally, provided the authorities of the host country do not object.
Question: Can I be accompanied by my family?
Answer: The status of the duty station and the requirements of the assignment determine whether or not dependents can accompany the Global Aid Direct Volunteer (family or non-family duty station). Factors considered are for example the nature of the assignment, security concerns or the availability of certain services.
Question: Can I indicate the developing country where I wish to serve?
Answer: No. In your application, you can mention preferences for developing countries you believe you are more suitable for. However, candidates are identified for Global Aid Direct assignments primarily based on the best match between their skills and the specific requirements of the assignment.
Question: Can I volunteer in my own country?
Answer: Yes, for further details on how to serve as national Global Aid Direct Volunteer please contact directly the Global Aid Direct office of your country. Or better still fill out the online application.
Question: What format should I use to type telephone numbers in the application form?
Answer: Please indicate the +country code, followed by the area code and telephone number. Example: +49 339 9251888.
Question: How will I know that I have successfully completed my application?
Answer: When you have completed all mandatory fields, you click on the "submit" button. Only after that you will receive an email message with your application number.
Question: When will I receive a response to my application?
Answer: Within 24 hours from submission, you will receive an automatic confirmation of your application and your application number. However, please note that submission of an application does not guarantee that you will be offered a Global Aid Direct Volunteer assignment.
Question: I have submitted my application but have not received any response, what should I do?
Answer: Please be aware that some email providers and spam filters may redirect our emails to users' junk email folders. Therefore, we suggest that you check your junk email or spam folders.If you did not receive our first confirmation email, you may have mistyped your email address. In this case, please start the application process again.
Question: Should I send my resume in addition to application online?
Answer: No. We do not process resumes received by postal mail anymore. The key source of information in order to identify your application against possible Global Aid Direct assignments is your Global Aid Direct online application. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you enter all details regarding your skills and experience through our web-based application form. In addition to your online application, if desire, email your resume to
Question: I want to stay informed about any changes related to the Global Aid Direct database of applicants. What is the best source of information?
Answer: On our website we regularly post the latest news about Global Aid Direct volunteers program. As we are constantly working towards improving our system and procedures, we regularly update our Frequently Asked Questions to provide you with the most current information. We strongly advise you to always consult this page whenever you have doubts or questions about Global Aid Direct’s Volunteers recruitment procedures.
Question: After I finish my current Global Aid Direct assignment will I be automatically considered for another one?
Answer: No. If you are interested in serving again as a Global Aid Direct Volunteer, you must activate your application by reapplying and indicating your availability. You cannot do so before the end of your current assignment.
Question: I served as a national Global Aid Direct Volunteer. Should I apply again if I want to serve as an international Global Aid Direct Volunteer?
Answer: As a former Global Aid Direct Volunteer, you are advised to maintain and use the application number you have served with. Your existing application contains information on your Global Aid Direct assignments that will be kept permanently in our applicants’ database. Therefore any new application will be removed upon receipt.
Question: How can I stay involved beyond my Global Aid Direct assignment?
Answer: There are many ways for former Global Aid Direct Volunteers to stay in contact with each other, with the Global Aid Direct Volunteer program. Find out about your options by sending us an at
Question: I was contacted/called for a Global Aid Direct assignment. What happens next?
Answer: In general, we contact between 5 and 10 candidates and invite them to express their interest in and availability for the particular Global Aid Direct assignment. After reviewing the responses received, we draw a short-list of 2 to 5 applicants, which we submit to the relevant authorities of the Field Office/Duty Station requesting the services of a Global Aid Direct Volunteer.
The requesting authorities make the final choice and select the applicant who best fulfills their needs and requirements, usually following an interview and/or an in- depth assessment. We send an offer to the selected applicant that details the exact conditions of the Global Aid Direct assignment and all necessary steps that need to be taken prior to his/her departure. Applicants not selected are being informed accordingly.
Question: How often should I confirm my availability for Global Aid Direct assignments?
Answer: You should confirm your availability through email at at least every six months or whenever your availability changes. If we do not hear from you for six months, we will send you a reminder.
Question: What happens if I don't confirm my availability?
Answer: If we do not hear from you for six months, we will send you a message asking you to confirm your availability. If we do not receive a response to our reminder, your profile will then stay inactive. It will remain inactive unless you reactivate your status in the application database through the online application system. While your profile is inactive, we will not contact you for Global Aid Direct assignments.
Question: What happens if I am temporarily unavailable for Global Aid Direct assignments?
Answer: If you indicate that you are not available to take up a Global Aid Direct assignment your application will become inactive. It will remain inactive unless you reactivate your status in the application database through the online application system. While your application is inactive, we will not contact you for Global Aid Direct assignments.
Question: Since I have submitted my online application, I have not had any news from Global Aid Direct, why?
Answer: You probably have had no news because your application has not yet been identified for a particular Global Aid Direct assignment. This is rather common because Global Aid Direct receives far more expressions of interest from individuals wishing to volunteer then requests for Global Aid Direct Volunteers. Moreover, your field of expertise may not be in line with the requests for Global Aid Direct Volunteers we currently receive from field offices/duty stations. Even if your background matches current requests, there may be many applicants in the pull with a background similar to yours who compete for the same type of Global Aid Direct assignment. In view of these constraints, you may be unable to volunteer with Global Aid Direct despite your enthusiasm and expertise.
Question: Who selects my application for a Global Aid Direct assignment?
Answer: Generally, Global Aid Direct volunteer program draws a short-list of two to five applications for each assignment, which we submit to the relevant authorities of the field office/duty station requesting the services of a Global Aid Direct Volunteer.
The requesting authorities make the final choice and select the applicant who best fulfills their needs and requirements, usually following an interview and/or an in-depth assessment.
Question: How long will my application remain in the Global Aid Direct database?
Answer: If your application remains inactive for two consecutive years, it will be automatically deleted. However, if you are a former national or international Global Aid Direct Volunteer, your application will remain in the Global Aid Direct application database because it contains information on your past Global Aid Direct assignment(s).
Question: Have I received a scam e-mail?
Answer: Various scam emails purporting or implying to be from or associated with Global Aid Direct have been circulating on the Internet. Some of these emails request detailed information and/or money from individuals, businesses or non-profit organizations with the promise that they will receive funds or other benefits in return. Other emails ask for registration fees for conferences allegedly sponsored by Global Aid Direct and for hotel reservations, again with the promise of certain benefits. These emails sometimes carry the Global Aid Direct logo, and emanate from or refer to an email address which is made to look like a Global Aid Direct or its Field Office/Duty Station address.
These emails do not emanate from Global Aid Direct, and are not in any way associated with Global Aid Direct projects or events. Global Aid Direct wishes to warn the public of these misleading practices, and suggests that recipients of invitations such as those described above (whether sent by email or communicated in any other way) verify their authenticity before sending any response. In particular, Global Aid Direct suggests that recipients do not send money or personal information in response to invitations from anyone who claims to be awarding funds, grants, scholarships, certificates, lottery winnings, or prizes, and/or who requests payment for registration fees and hotel rooms’ reservations, in the name of Global Aid Direct. It is not Global Aid Direct policy to charge for attendance at meetings.
If you have any doubts about the authenticity of an email, letter or phone call purportedly from, for or on behalf of Global Aid Direct, please email us at Global Aid Direct is trying to put a halt to these misleading practices, and we would therefore greatly appreciate your help in bringing suspect communications to our attention.
Question: When do I need to get in my application?
Answer: As soon as possible!
Question: What will my accommodations be like?
Answer: Global Aid Direct endeavors to provide accommodations that let volunteers live as a local citizen of their host country, to give volunteers a feel for the local culture. Living conditions, however, can vary greatly.
Accommodations are often rustic, in a safe and rural setting. Amenities can be expected to be relatively Spartan. They maybe in a dormitory, community center, private home, cottage, apartments or hotel. Volunteers will sometimes be places in private home stay.
Meals are prepared by a local cook, and volunteers are welcome to participate and learn about cooking the local cuisine. You'll find ample fruits, vegetables and meats indigenous to the region. Volunteers may also choose to go to the market to shop as a local, and help with carrying back provisions. Toilets can range from everything to modern Western flushing toilets to squatter toilets.
Question: Will I have easy and free access to potable water?
Answer: Yes, you will always have free and easy access to clean and potable water.
Question: I'm going on a short project that is a long way from home, how can I manage the jet lag?
Answer: For most people, adrenaline alone keeps this from being an issue on the way to your destination. Many people find that dealing with jet lag on the return home is more of an issue. The 1st couple of days on any program is designed with very light activity. Click here for more information on coping with jet lag.
Question: Do I need a passport?
Answer: Passports are almost always required, and given the amount of time it can take to process volunteers should plan on securing passports at least 3 months before their assignment begins. Visas can take just as long to secure, so it is a good idea to apply for a passport as soon as possible. Your assignment details should specify any Visa requirements. If you are unsure, please feel free to contact Global Aid Direct offices by phone or email to get more specific information.
Question: What are the International travel arrangements?
Answer: Global Aid Direct Volunteers will travel by economy class on the most direct and least costly air routes, irrespective of the number of travel hours, while traveling on assignment, repatriation, home visit and official missions. When a cash option for travel is offered to the Global Aid Direct volunteer by the Global Aid Direct program and is accepted by the Global Aid Direct volunteer, she/he has to inform the Global Aid Direct of the itinerary and the airline company.
Question: Will I have access to the internet?
Answer: Internet access varies with each project location. Check your Orientation package for more info, or feel free to contact Global Aid Direct with any questions.
Question: Can I leave early from the assignment?
Answer: Global Aid Direct generally makes no provisions for volunteers to leave early. If you feel this may be necessary for you to leave the assignment before its completion date, please contact Global Aid Direct to see if any special arrangements can be made. Several weeks advance notice is critical, and these requests may not be able to be satisfied.
Question: Do you recruit international Global Aid Direct Volunteers Locally?
Answer: Yes. A locally recruited international Global Aid Direct Volunteer is one who, at the time of recruitment, is residing in the country of assignment and is not a national of that country. She/he is still considered to be an international Global Aid Direct Volunteer. However, the locally recruited status affects certain allowances and benefits.
Question: What do I need to bring with me?
Answer: Global Aid Direct will provide you with an Orientation package in advance of your assignment detailing the climate, conditions and recommended items to pack, but feel free to contact Global Aid Direct with any questions.
Question: Will there be electricity?
Answer: Electricity access will depend on location. Check your Orientation package for more info, or feel free to contact Global Aid Direct with any questions.
Question: How physically fit do I need to be?
Answer: olunteers are fully responsible for being in satisfactory health and to have enough mobility for the assignment. The level of physical challenge is generally adaptable to the level of any volunteer, and most assignments are fine for any fitness level. If you have any special concerns, please feel free to contact Global Aid Direct with more specific questions. We are happy to try and accommodate your needs.
Question: I have certain diet restrictions, can they be met?
Answer: In most programs, your dietary restrictions can be met. However, it is imperative that you communicate your needs to Global Aid Direct at least a month before your assignment begins. In some cases, the remote nature of a program site may mean not every diet can be accommodated.
Question: What is the duration of assignments and length of service?
Answer: Assignments are considered to be either short-term or long-term.
- Short-term assignment: an initial assignment of less than 12 months.
- Long-term assignment: an initial assignment of 12 months or more.
Global Aid Direct provides professionally experienced and personally committed men and women with an opportunity to serve for a limited period of time as volunteers in the pursuit of those ideals for which Global Aid Direct was founded. While volunteering is a life time experience, it is not a career. A Global Aid Direct volunteer can serve for a maximum period of five years under the same position/Description of Assignment; however the maximum cumulative period of service should not exceed ten years.
Question: What Travel documents will I need?
Answer: Global Aid Direct Volunteers travel under their own respective national passports. Global Aid Direct volunteer cannot be issued with Global Aid Direct Laissez-Passer as her/his assignment is not governed by Global Aid Direct staff rules.
Question: Will I need a Visa and clearance?
- Assistance in the country of recruitment
It is the responsibility of Global Aid Direct volunteer to obtain the necessary clearances including transit and entry visas from the respective embassies/consulates. Global Aid Direct or its field offices/duty station in the country of recruitment will provide assistance. This is often in the form of a certificate or a letter to the appropriate authorities.
- Assistance in the country of assignment
If there is no diplomatic or consular representation of the country of assignment in the place of recruitment, Global Aid Direct Field Office/Duty Station will coordinate the issuance of entry visas for the Global Aid Direct volunteer.
Global Aid Direct volunteer should not leave the place of recruitment until they obtain the required transit and entry visas. If an entry visa cannot be obtained beforehand, Global Aid Direct volunteer may only travel upon receipt of written confirmation from the Field Office/Duty Station in the country of assignment that an entry visa will be issued upon arrival in the country.
Question: Who handles pre-departure expenses, assignment travel and shipment of my personal effects to my assigned location?
Answer: Assignment travel for an internationally recruited Global Aid Direct Volunteer
Global Aid Direct volunteer receives a standard amount towards all pre-departure expenses. This is a one-time payment made only to Global Aid Direct volunteer to help meet pre-departure expenses, including obtaining passport and visa(s), entry medical examination, vaccination(s), travel between the place of residence and the nearest airport and related lodging, food and costs for unavoidable in-country pre-departure transit stop-overs.
- Arrangements for assignment travel
Global Aid Direct, at its discretion, may choose to offer to the Global Aid Direct volunteer a most direct and least costly economy class ticket for the route from the nearest airport in the place of recruitment to the city where the Global Aid Direct Field Office/Duty Station is located in the country of assignment (or as agreed with the Global Aid Direct Field Office/Duty Station. In addition, each of volunteer receives Global Aid Direct rate in advance for unavoidable overnight stop-overs and a lump sum for airport-related terminal expenses. When the Global Aid Direct Volunteer travels with dependents she/he receives hundred percent of Global Aid Direct rate and each accompanying dependents of the volunteer receives fifty percent of Global Aid Direct rate, and the lump sum amount for terminal expenses per traveler. Global Aid Direct Volunteers bear the responsibility of shipping their personal effects.

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