Internship Conditions
Global Aid Direct welcomes applications from suitably qualified internship applicants. Applicants should be enrolled in a degree program, undergraduate, graduate or post-graduate in one of the Global Aid Direct’s work sectors/areas (see preferred work assignments for listing), and be available to work with Global Aid Direct for a minimum of two to twelve months. The internship assignments may include working in areas such as Africa, America, Asia Eastern Europe and the Middle East. Fluent written and spoken English is required. No remuneration or accommodation is provided to interns and we are unable to meet the travel costs of any intern. An internship with Global Aid Direct carries no expectation of further or future employment with Global Aid Direct. Interns are; however, free to apply for such positions.
Interns who join Global Aid Direct must be prepared to sign the Global Aid Direct Code of Conduct and to work in accordance with Global Aid Direct Internship Policy: Global Aid Direct interns will not be given menial work to undertake (e.g. photocopying or word processing for other staff members). They will be treated as full members of the unit and given progressively greater levels of responsibility during their time with Global Aid Direct.
Global Aid Direct interns may be asked to attend and report back on meetings, to undertake literature searches and to gather and analyze data for evaluation projects managed by other members of the unit. Global Aid Direct interns will be assigned to a variety of different projects. Every effort will be made to ensure that these projects reflect both the interests of the intern and the needs of the unit.
During their time with Global Aid Direct, each intern is expected to produce and publish a working paper on what they learn and accomplish from their internship. To facilitate this task, interns will be given full access to necessary documentation, including the Global Aid Direct archives. Interns will be requested to sign a confidentiality agreement in relation to the use of archival information. Interns working with Global Aid Direct are encouraged to attend any events being held in their assign unit that will assist them to develop a deeper understanding of Global Aid Direct and its work in the humanitarian sector. In addition to the online application, applicants should submit a resume, covering letter and short writing sample at
If you are accepted as an interim in Global Aid Direct, the following conditions will apply:
- Status: Although not considered a staff member of Global Aid Direct, I shall be subject to the authority of the Executive Director and the authority delegated by her/him to Director and Heads of Offices. I understand that I am not entitled to the privileges and immunities accorded by member states to Global Aid Direct’s officials and staff members.
- Financial Support: I shall not be paid by Global Aid Direct and must make my own arrangements for living expenses. Travel costs to and from the duty station and living accommodations are also my own responsibilities or those of the sponsoring institution.
- Medical Health and Life Coverage: Global Aid Direct accepts no responsibility for costs or fatality arising from illness or accidents Incurred during the internship; therefore, I must carry adequate and regular medical and life (accidental death & dismemberment) insurance. I will be covered by health and life insurance during the internship period (Global Aid Direct internship policy requires that you be covered by medical and life insurance for the entire period of internship).
- Passports and Visas: I am responsible for obtaining necessary passport and visas when required. Global Aid Direct will issue only a letter stating acceptance of an individual as an intern and the conditions governing the internship.
- Confidentiality and Publication of Information: As an intern, I will respect the confidentiality of information that I collect or am exposed to during my internship with Global Aid Direct. No reports or papers may be published based on information obtained from Global Aid Direct without the explicit written authorization by the Head of Office or Division Director of Global Aid Direct.
In addition to the above, the following conditions also applied:
- The intern will not be paid by Global Aid Direct and, will not be considered a staff member; hence, he/she will not be entitled to the privileges and immunities accorded to staff members of the Global Aid Direct.
- All expenses connected with the internship, such as travel costs, travel arrangements, living accommodation, are the responsibility of the intern or the sponsoring institution.
- The intern is responsible for obtaining any necessary visas.
- Global Aid Direct will not accept any responsibility for costs arising from accidents and/or illness incurred during an internship and the intern, therefore, should have health insurance coverage.
- There is no expectancy of employment at the end of the internship and the intern is not entitled to apply for a regular position at the Professional or higher level with Global Aid Direct during the period of the internship and for six months immediately following the expiration date thereof.
- The intern undertakes to conduct himself/herself at all times in a manner compatible with his/her responsibilities as a participant in a Global Aid Direct internship program.
- The intern must keep confidential any and all unpublished information made known during the course of the internship and not publish any reports or paper on the basis of information obtained except with the authorization of the Global Aid Direct.
- The intern will provide written notice in case of illness or other unavoidable circumstances which might prevent him/her from fulfilling the internship.
Any travel comes with certain risks, and travel with Global Aid Direct is no different. Of course all reasonable precautions will be made to prevent any dangers. If at any time a volunteer feels that he or she is not comfortable with any given activity, he or she may freely abstain.
Travel to different countries mean that conditions will vary - sometimes quite significantly - from those in the United States. These reasons are some of the primary reasons volunteers are drawn to Global Aid Direct assignments, but can also be the basis for possible risks. For example, the condition of roads, infrastructure (such as phone lines, water lines, etc) and hygiene conditions are likely to differ from, and often be considered inferior to, those found in the intern's home. Although Global Aid Direct will take all necessary precisions to protect interns, Global Aid Direct cannot be held responsible for forces of God, war, public transportation, level of medical service, availability of medical treatment and medical personnel, political stability, and the like.
The interns should also be aware that environmental conditions may provide certain challenges to some. For example, higher altitudes in some locales may mean interns with difficulty breathing may find it even more difficult in new climes. For those with sensitivity to dryness, certain climates may be uncomfortable.
In some countries, it is a good idea to get vaccinations prior to your trip. The Center for Disease Control and the World Health Organization will give you up to date recommendations. These suggestions will be in your orientation packet, and interns are solely responsible for getting and paying for these. In addition, each intern needs to access his or her medical needs, and overall health prior to applying for a Global Aid Direct internship program.

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